
Showing posts from May, 2021

“Children are sensitive individuals, who memorize every activity, and everything might impact their personality..."

Redon Syla is a new participant in PLAY’s activities in Kosovo. He is from the lovely city of Shtime, and he studies Arabic Language and Literature in Dubai and English Language and Literature in Kosovo. He is a scholarship holder of the United Arab Emirates. He talks with a big passion for linguistics, literature, and poetry. When asked about what motivated him to participate in these activities, he answered: “Children are sensitive individuals, who memorize every activity, and everything might impact their personality. Therefore, I want to learn how games might impact their consciousness, and I am willing to learn how to implement these methodologies.” Moreover, he liked that through this training he had the chance to meet new people from different communities and create networks with many fellow participants coming from different cities of Kosovo.   Redon liked the games and especially enjoyed reflecting in the discussion part. “The games were inclusive, and they always had a

Staff Profile #18 - Sara

Hello, everyone! As we are celebrating the 3 rd month of our amazing Head of Mission, it's time to know more about Sara Kalvachova!  She is both the key link between the country operation and the Headquarters in Paris and the glue that binds the different aspects of the Mission’s work together! Whilst being responsible for the overall success of the Mission, her focus areas include strategic planning, fundraising, partnerships development, public relations, and financial oversight. Experienced and determined, her strategy is launched! As she likes challenges, she also has to manage a team full of different personalities! Arrived in February 2021, this Czech woman, always caring and smiling, brings positivity and motivation within the team with an impressive air of calm! When we asked her what she likes about his job, she answered: “ What caught me at PLAY is the professionalism of development of its learning methods and the idea of “learning by doing” that is so missed in mo

"...Because children learn more from games than from words.”

From 31 st of March to 2 nd of April, young, motivated people were gathered in Sllatine to be trained about sport-based methodologies designed for social and inclusion to implement activities for children in their localities. It is the second time that Endrita Jashanica participates in a training organized by PLAY international. Endrita comes from the lovely city of Obiliq, and she is in the last year of her bachelor studies in the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education at the University of Prishtina. Endrita has a big passion for sports with the main goal to focus her future career on it. Moreover, she has been a handball player since primary school.   “Sport is very important in the development of children because children learn more from games than from words.” Therefore, she regards learning through sports as a powerful method. When asked what motivated her to participate in this training, Endrita answered she is very interested to learn how to initiate an activity with