Staff Profile #18 - Sara

Hello, everyone!

As we are celebrating the 3rd month of our amazing Head of Mission, it's time to know more about Sara Kalvachova! She is both the key link between the country operation and the Headquarters in Paris and the glue that binds the different aspects of the Mission’s work together! Whilst being responsible for the overall success of the Mission, her focus areas include strategic planning, fundraising, partnerships development, public relations, and financial oversight. Experienced and determined, her strategy is launched! As she likes challenges, she also has to manage a team full of different personalities!

Arrived in February 2021, this Czech woman, always caring and smiling, brings positivity and motivation within the team with an impressive air of calm!

When we asked her what she likes about his job, she answered:

What caught me at PLAY is the professionalism of development of its learning methods and the idea of “learning by doing” that is so missed in most of educational systems. The fact that PLAY focuses on capacity building of teachers and other education professionals reassures me of the long-term impact our daily effort has.  As a Head of Mission I have the privilege to accompany a team of enthusiastic professionals who by their everyday work make a positive difference in lives of Kosovo people, and to animate the ecosystem of partners : schools, institutions, NGOs, young volunteers who are willing to engage in improving quality of Kosovo education and peaceful and joyful coexistence of all local communities".

Her position does not enable her to be the exception to the “fun fact” rule… Here comes the fun fact to go!

"When I was at secondary school, I played volleyball in a competition. Once, during a training, we went with the team for a warm-up run. I did not realize that my laces were untied and while running, I stepped on one of them, fell down and broke my arm in elbow. Since then, I always double-check that my laces have two knots before going for a run."

Since the Vertigo Challenge of PLAY International, Sara often runs in Taukbashce Park and yes, we checked, she has her laces perfectly tied! Sport, fun, and safety are always linked!

We all love Sara at PLAY! Help us show your appreciation of her work by liking this post!


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