"I am so happy to have met so many people from different communities, it feels like I have known them for 10 years… "

Milijana Ilic is a young, motivated girl that lives in Lepine, a village near Lipjan and currently, she is in the second year of Medicine High School. In her free time, she enjoys artistic activities like acting and her hobby is roller-skating. It is the first time she is participating in activity from an NGO, and she decided to participate in this training because she likes socializing and meeting new people. Milijana expressed that she liked every bit of the training and her time there made her feel at home. She finds this feeling mesmerizing, and her time exceeded the expectations she had before starting the training. 

Every activity was interesting. I am so happy to have met so many people from different communities, it feels like I have known them for 10 years… I never noticed any prejudice because I come from Serbian community in Kosovo or any prejudice for whomever.”

When asked about the games and what was her favorite part, she states that she liked that every game had a part for the players to reflect at the end of the game. Moreover, during the game, they had the chance to meet one another, and this was a very good experience for her.

We were all one.”

She regards it as interesting that her communication skills have improved since this training because before she was a bit shy and, in this environment she felt more inclined to speak and interact with others. 

What is next?  She expressed that she feels ready and thinks that this training helps her even more because in the future she will be confident to work with children and express herself just like she really is.




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